Number 04: 
Reason: Misato Katsuragi
kicks ass and takes no prisoners! She's very
attractive, she's got a great athletic bod, and she has purple
hair. Trust me, our judges love purple hair. She's a Colonel
in charge of strategy and tactics in NERV, which means she has
a brain, a gun, and a license to kill. What more could you ask
for in a babe?
Misato really has it going on.
She may act like a shut in or a ten year old sometimes, but who
wants a pure millitary woman? Her personality is as varied as
there are different shapes of Angels. This doesn't imply that
she's a schizo, just that she's a fun person to hang around with
(unless you do something to really piss her off, but since that's
hard to do unless you attempt to hurt her charges [Shinji, Pen^2,
Asuka, or Rei] we'll just leave that out of the equation for
Katsuragi is also a major party
animal. She loves to let loose and forget about NERV and her
job when she's off duty, although she only does this within her
small social circle of friends and acquaintences. She's not one
for large crowds or strangers. She loves
to drink (even though recently she tried to give it up) and often
gets drunk before breakfast. Does she know how to live fast or
what? One of the best things about Misato is the fact that she
doesn't really care what others think about her. She is who she
is and there ain't nobody who can change her.
The off duty Misato and Colonel
Katsuragi appear to be two very different people. As an officer
in NERV (Earth's last
best defense against Angels and Otaku-funk) Misato is a very
capable individual able to make split second difficult decisions
that end up saving millions of lives. She has also shown that
she is more than willing to place her life on the line for any
of her fellow NERV employees and friends. And let's not forget
the main reason why she's even in NERV: Revenge against the Angels
for killing her father at the Second Impact. Revenge and babes
go well together. Having revenge push a babe over the edge is
like a " Hey, you got peanut-butter on my chocolate"
kind of combination. It's good fun to watch babes bust their
butts to kill something out of pure spite.
And what babe would be complete
without a fine feathered friend living
in her fridge? Misato is cool for being the sidekick to Shin
Seiki Evangelion's greatest hero and lovely penguin, PenPen.
She's his confidant and drinking buddy and she's always looking
out for him (hey, she even had Kaji ship him via UPS to the hot
springs so he could waddle around and swim with his friends for
an afternoon). Wow, yet another babe who's kind to children and
animals. This might catch on.
Responsible slacker, fun-loving
military girl; that's Misato Katsuragi, number four AniBabe of
all time.
In Her Own Words: ..............................

"Hey, give me a minute with this. *Glug! Glug! Glug! Glug!*
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh yeah, that did it. Now, what
was this all 'bout?"
Uh, you're supposed to say something
about how you feel now that you've been elected the number fo-
"Okay, okay, s'okay. I got it I got it to do start here.
*Hic* Ummmm, I like this page, it's got purple in it. I mean
a lot of purple. Did you know
my hair is purple? It is, and it's not a dye job like Rit-chan's
is. But that's okay for her, 'cause she don' like to be blonde.....
I mean she don't like to be brown, she's a blonde now."
Yes, uh, we know. Misato-san,
would you mind just staying off the sauce for a little bit and
then we can try this again later, hmm?
"What are you talkin' 'bout?!?! I can finish this up
lickity-spick.... Spit.... Slip!.... Split! There, see, s'no problem. So, uh
I wanna thank the people judges who voted me best penguin- Ha!
I said 'pengie'. That's funny. Uh so I'm a babe, and I like beer.
I mean I like Yebisssssshhhhh Beer, there's a big ole difference
between BOA, what I feed Shinji-kun, and what I drink myself.
Yebisssssshhhhhh is the king of, uh-" *Thud!*
Oh, man! Somebody get her off
the floor. No! Don't let Asner do it (the old perv)! Larry, drag
her to her dressing room and feed her some Curry when, uh, if
she wakes up. Sorry folks, but I think that's all we're gunna
get out of her (besides her lunch in a bit). So let's remember
her for all she's done for humanity and not for the mess she's
currently making all over the porcelain god in her room (I hope
that Larry cleans that up too).

I like Misato in casual wear much more than her
NERV uniform (there's a lot more belly-button showing in her
personal wardrobe).

Wow! Misato had so many career opportunities
open to her. She could have even been one of those babes who
sits on top of cars for magazines and auto shows. She's a babe
of many talents.

Hey, Misato. I think you got your wardrobe mixed up with Asner's.
He says he wants his skirt back. Oh yeah, he's wearing your bathing
suit right now too.
Misato has a smile that can light up
any room.... Too bad it's usually alcohol induced.
Now it's time to feast your eyes on the rest of the
winners of the Ultimate Tribute to Anime - Babedom. The Top Ten Anime Babes of All Time!!!!!
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Or check
out the Top Ten Anime Skanks
Or Go Back to the
Rules and Runners Up
Quick Misato Links:
Tiny World! This guy is one of the greatest artists I've
ever seen! This is where I got the pictures of Misato at the
very top and the one of her openning the beer can. Check this
guy's page out if you know what's good for you.
Gendo's Ultimate EVA FAQs Find out what happened in Misato's
world all the way through End of Evangelion.
The Mini Misato
Shrine Pay homage to the number four AniBabe of all time.