Number 06: 
Reason: A lot of you have
already voiced your opinions and asked, "Why
Pirotess? Why not Deedlit?" Well, look at her! Pirotess
is one hot elf! She's also a heckuva a sorceress and extremely
loyal to her lover. What's not to love?
This dark-elf honey knows how
hot she is and flaunts it all the time with her incredible ensemble
of grays, golds and purples. While she may not be an "elf
of nature", she still knows some magic. Whether it be a
few protection spells or some spiffy elemental attack spells,
the judges agree that the use of any magic is considered "Cool!".
But Pirotess is not limited
to magic and simply looking
damn fine to do any harm to her enemies, I mean c'mon, what kind
of babe would she be if she couldn't get rough in a serious sword
fight or take down a couple of adventerers (i.e. Deedlit, Parn,
and the gang) by her lonesome (evil hench-elves don't really
count as "help"). The only thing that she seems to
fear, and with good reason, is the Berserker Orson. Let's face
it, she
may be a bombshell, but she ain't blonde (her hair's more of
an off-white) and she ain't stupid.
If one can prove himself to
Pirotess as being more powerful, or a more capable fighter, well,
you got yourself a new girlfriend. The problem is, not many people
(or things, as the case may be) can be considered "better"
than our lovely elfling. Those who try and fail end up in a condition
that would make death, or getting castrated seem preferable.
The only person (or thing for that
matter) to have ever won Pirotess' admiration and heart seems
to be that cool Dark Knight from the Spooner Contine- I mean
Marmo Island, Ashram. What a lucky sunuvabitch.
Now Pirotess knows just how
good and incredible she is and looks. The best part about her
is how she uses this to her advantage. She can get any man to
do anything for her that she pleases either through seduction
or brute force. For fun she even likes to instigate opponents
to attack by merely alluding to the fact that she could kick
their butts if she so chose to. This shows how calculating she
can be and how twisted her thinking and rationalizations can
be (but in a good way). She never backs down from a fight (like
I just said, she starts most of them), and she always wins. She
is almost the perfect warrior.
Pirotess is a self-contained
explosion of temptation and excitement. She rarely
smiles, but she's always having fun (mostly at others' expence).
She also knows what she wants and goes for it with the ferocity
of a tiger. She even sacrificed her life for the one thing/person
that meant anything to her, the Dark Dude Ashram.
She's a siren and a vamp who
understands the game, but simply chooses to ignore the rules
as long as she's winning, and she always is. She's Pirotess,
the number six AniBabe of all time.
In Her Own Words: "First
of all I must congratulate so many judges for voting for such
a fine female specimen such as I, but then I think I have to
lop off the heads of those ingrates who voted for those other
than this Pirotess. I have no idea what you were thinking, but
you won't be thinking it for much longer. They could atleast
let the contest for first be up to a match of fisticuffs, but
they're apparently afraid of a little bloodshed. Hmmm, in order
to rid myself of the shame of number six, I now must mark my
arm. This cut will always remain as a reminder of my lowly position
as anything less than 'Number One'."
And that, everybody, is Pirotess.

-"But Lord Rossman, King of the Oni, art
thou not powerful enough to change my ranking to something more
suitable for my needs?"

What a sad but pretty face. Oh well, maybe next time she'll put
out a little more......Hmmmmm, I wonder if that's possible.

Hmmmm. It looks as if our buxom beauty is planning
something against our beloved judges. I hope it's not too painful.

Well, she may be a babe but she's a really bad
sore loser. There goes poor Larry Storch's Takahashi manga collection
up in flames.

Save us, Pirotess! Save us with your magg-idge!
Now it's time to feast your eyes on the rest of the
winners of the Ultimate Tribute to Anime - Babedom. The Top Ten Anime Babes of All Time!!!!!
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Or check
out the Top Ten Anime Skanks
Or Go Back to the
Rules and Runners Up
Quick Pirotess Links:
to Darkforest A nice Lodoss page about all things dark
on the accursed island.
of Lodoss War Hall A shrine to Ashram with a great page
dedicated to his lover, the mighty Pirotess!
Lodoss War Dungeon The complete history of Lodoss.