Number 09: 
Reason: The Senshi of
Beauty and Love, Sailor V (aka Minako Aino) is also the hottest
member of an all female fighting team that consists of something
like five or six dozen women.
She's the only one out of all of them that isn't a total clutz,
a total bitch or just plain stupid (meaning no common sense).
She's also the only senshi not named after a planet (she's named
after the goddess of love, "Venus", not the planet
"Venus" [as seen with the Japanese characters used
for both her and the rest of the senshi]), so chalk one up to
being an individual in a sea of conforming women-warriors (Oh
yeah, and her transformation scene is the best one too).
Not only is Sailor V very attractive,
she's also very tough, and a great team player. Her attacks are
devastating to enemies and her friends and fans adore her.
(*Pssst. It's even a little known fact that Sailor V is the
leader of the Sailor Senshi! Cool, huh?*. Our judges are
quick to point this out because so many people think that the
moron Moonie herself is the team captain and that just made Mina
cry. Hell, she even has a cat who's a heck of a lot more likable
than Usagi's bitchy kitty, Luna.)
Sailor V is also the first Sailor
Warrior to appear on Earth after her reincarnation from her first
life as Princess Serenity's (much needed) bodyguard. She fought
and other bad things in exotic places like London and Paris (hmmmmm,
I wonder if she ever met Kenji) and I'm sure a bunch of other
fancy European locales. She never needed any help from a bunch
of sailor misfits in Japan. The only reason that she ended up
joining them is because she's too nice to say "no"
and because they
needed her. It was never the other way around.
Her Sailor Senshi outfit does
her body justice (ooooohhhh, those long legs@_@), but she also
looks great
in "real" clothes. That's something most super-hero
babes just can't seem to pull off. Most look either too cute
or too dumpy in casual attire.
Probably the most rugged thing
about Sailor V is that you can't keep her down. I mean she's
literally been killed at least a six times, but she always comes
back to life, and every single time she does she becomes even
more powerful and hot. You go girl!
Mina is street smart, powerful
and a good friend to have on your side (we've said she was alluring
enough times already).
Now if only she'd dump the excess baggage in the form of a bunch
of annoying teeny-boppers in multicolored school-girl outfits
and put her trademarked mask back on (she was wearing that thing
looooong before Tuxedo Kamen), she would become everybody's favorite
Sailor once more, the loner Sailor V! One of the only reasons
that she didn't make it higher on the countdown is that she never
joined in any of Uranus' and Neptune's sensual massage sessions...
at least not on film. This would have rocketed her straight to
number one!!!
In Her Own Voice: "I
just wanted to thank all of my fans out there who voted for me
and not for anybody else on the team. Although I love those $#!%heads,
uh, I mean Senshi like sisters, none of them deserve to
be Number Nine!
"I mean, I'm the only one who can handle things by herself,
right? I'm the first to get a video game made after me, right?
I even had an animated movie made about me when Usagi and co.
were still fighting losers like Zoicite!! I'm just glad that
somebody had the brains to elect me for this award...... Although
I do have one small question to ask........

"Why the hell aren't I number one?!?!?!?!"
And that, ladies and gentlemen,
is our Sailor V: Number Nine AniBabe of All Time.

Oh, Sailor V, you shine brighter than any planet
or star or nebula or space gas I've ever seen!

Oh dear God!!!!!!! Noooooooo!!!! Gainax
Bunny Ear Syndrome is spreading like wildfire!!!!!! Why,
God, why?!?!?!

I've never wanted to be a cat more in my entire

How many times must she die a horrible death
to save all of us?!?! Not that I would take her place, I just
want to know.

Seeya flipside, Mina.
Now it's time to feast your eyes on the rest of the
winners of the Ultimate Tribute to Anime - Babedom. The Top Ten Anime Babes of All Time!!!!!
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Or check
out the Top Ten Anime Skanks
Or Go Back to the
Rules and Runners Up
Quick Sailor V Links:
Temple of Beauty and Love A well built shrine to the
greatest Sailor Senshi in the solar system, uh, galaxy!
Ms. Haruna's Homeroom
For all your Sailor Muzak and Movies needs, this is the place! |