Number 03: 
Reason: Ginrei is the
leggy, green haired beauty of Interpol's Experts of Justice Peking
Branch. So not only is she unbelievably hot, but she's totally
fearless and tough as nails. She has proven time and again that
she is far from the weakest Expert, and is probably even more
powerful than most of the Celestial Nine (I mean hey, she's like
the only good guy who actually made it to the last episode- besides
the main man Kenji). She also has a very troubled past that she
is able to leave behind her. She may not be able to forget it
(Jeez, it was pretty tramatic don't you think? I mean an entire
country was destroyed right before her eyes!), but Ginrei's definitely
strong enough to go on living and save the world despite of it.
Damn that Shizuma to cause such hurt in our fair warrioress!
Ginrei's so tough in fact that
she is actually two Experts of Justice! Big Fire
thinks that it has two enemies instead of one (although I think
Ginrei would be able to kick the entire BF Organization's ass
by herself if Chujo would let her). First she's known as herself,
Ginrei the Beautiful, but she's also known as the Mysterious
Iron Mask. Iron Mask is one of the most feared Experts by Big
Fire..... And they don't even know the half of it.
Our lovely Ginrei also has one
more important thing going for her, she appears to be one of
the only anime babe in existance with good taste in men. Although
this is only a bonus (boyfriends and what each babe finds attractive
in the opposite sex hold no bearing in the decision of the judges),
it is pretty rugged to see that a
babe does not have choose the most loser-esk man for a boyfriend.
I mean, she totally dissed Tetsegyu (hell, she even gave Genya
her gun to shoot him with!). It's no less than the mighty "Black-Whirlwind"
deserved (loser). And don't forget who her real boyfriend
is..... Kenji Murasame. The Immortally cool pink fedora wearing
Frenchie. He's just an immortal kinda guy^_-
Ginrei has done so much for
this world, besides looking damn hot! She fights Big Fire whenever
the need arrises, She lives with shame and disgrace attached
to her name so that humanity may have a better tomorrow, and
she protects Daisaku and Giant Robo with her life on a daily
basis.... What? You thought it was the other way around? Get
serious. Daisaku's even wimpier than the Ox, and even though
Robo's pretty cool, he's still only controlled by short stuff.
It's up to Ginrei to save
their butts, which she does by using her ESPer power (which ultimately
ends up almost putting the kibosh on her [although technically
her power didn't kill her]) in episodes 6 & 7. Ginrei's got
balls enough for the entire Experts of Justice (not just the
Peking Branch)!
Add to the mix the fact that
her brother is working for BF and is in charge of Operation
Night Stand Still and you'll wonder how and why this babe
doesn't crack under the pressure of it all...... But then you'll
think to yourself, "Hey, it's because Ginrei VonVogler is
the number three Anime Babe of All Time!"
In Her Own Words: "Wow!
This is a very nice surprise. I just want to thank all of the
little people that made this possible and the GR production staff
for finally getting off their asses and finishing episode 7!
This really makes all the death, destruction and dismay worth
while. And I guess I ought to thank everyone who was slaughtered
in Interpol and a special "arrigatou" to Big Fire for
doing the slaughtering. I mean, without those sorry sacks of
s*** I wouldn't be where I am today.
"So to recap: Big Fire, bad; My friends in the Experts
of Justice (dead or alive), good (they're good, not their deaths!);
Me being number three AniBabe, great; Tetsegyu getting blown
away and stomped flatter than a 'possum on the highway, the best
(too bad Emanuelle is such a bad shot or he could of at least
rid the world of the big assed doofus)! Thank you true believers
for voicing your support."
No, thank you Ginrei
for being the number three anime babe of all time!

It's a little known fact, but Ginrei is one of
the cleanliest babes in the anime universe too!

Man! I bet that Ginrei's even more handy with
those fans than that wussy Professor Go! Hmmmmmm, come to think
of it I think that Ginrei's the only cool member of Interpol......well,
besides Murasame Kenji of course.

Hey Ginrei, will you go out with me? Whoa, cool! I'll take that
as a "yes"!

Rei. Ginrei. Licence to thrill!

Oh, Ginrei! I'm sorry to make you wait for my call! I, uh, I
swear I wasn't out with the number one babe! I swear to GOD!

Mmmmmmmm, that looks good! Can I have a lick?
Now it's time to feast your eyes on the rest of the
winners of the Ultimate Tribute to Anime - Babedom. The Top Ten Anime Babes of All Time!!!!!
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Or check
out the Top Ten Anime Skanks
Or Go Back to the
Rules and Runners Up
Quickie Ginrei Links:
Angel's Giant Robo Page Not updated in a while, but a
pretty good page none - the - less.
Sumi Check out Ginrei's awesome seiyuu site! Betcha didn't
know she was Big Momma too.
The Anime
Archive Ginrei Pages Want a great image of your favorite
esper? This is the only place to go.